Comments on: Topics: Dealing with Nikon 1 V1 1080p HD MOV and FCP (X), FCE, iMovie, Avid Media Composer compatible problems on Mac AIC Converter,MTS to AIC,MTS to iMovie,MTS to FCE,MTS to Final Cut,AVCHD to AIC Converter,AVCHD to Final Cut Express,import AVCHD files to iMovie,MTS to ProRes,MTS to Final Cut Pro,MTS to FCP X,AVCHD and Final Cut Pro,Log and transfer MTS to FCP,edit MTS footage in iMovie,FCP transfer MTS files,transfer AVCHD files to iMovie Thu, 23 May 2013 00:07:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Adrian Sun, 13 Jan 2013 18:49:27 +0000 Hi, I am using a Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD Version 9. Cost to me was $40.00 at Walmart. You need to look at the boxes of different ofrfes and see what files they import and export. Now remember these files take up more hard drive and I have to place on DVD’s to keep space open. You may have a excellent record chipset, my laptop stumbled with HD at first. After using Sony the rendered record was straightforwardly watched with no jumping or jello. I will need an upgraded computer some day also now.
